Expertise: Business Development, International Sales, Sales Management, Marketing, Foreign Direct Investment
Languages: English, French
Contact Info
Bruno Tateossian
Managing Partner
Bruno began his career in Montreal setting up and managing the Canadian office for the Paris Region Economic Development Agency. Between 1995 and 1997, Bruno identified over 30 investment projects and assisted many companies in defining and implementing their European development strategies. 10 companies from Quebec and Ontario successfully established operations in the Paris Region during Bruno’s tenure.
Bruno then moved to Houston, Texas to become Vice President for the Invest in France Agency. Bruno’s responsibilities included developing and maintaining relationships with key accounts, delivering customized solutions to clients and leading the North American team in prospecting the “key technologies of the future”. Bruno’s accomplishments include the identification of 65 investment projects between 1997 and 2002 and the creation of over 500 jobs.
Bruno founded Ouino Consulting, Inc. in 2002 to offer trade development and FDI services to companies and government organizations. A native of France, Bruno earned his Master of International Management from the Clermont Graduate School of Management where he was a Calouste Gulbenkian scholar, following a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Bruno, his wife Carolyn and their 3 sons make their home in Houston, Texas.